End to End IoT Solution | Null Innovation

End to End IoT Solution

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Device Software/Firmware

Null has more than a decade of experience in firmware design for system development. We are well versed with the firmware needs of processors, controllers as latest as Arduino, Rasberry Pi and ARM Cortex. Development of Board Support Packages, Boot code and Device Drivers RTOS – VxWorks, pSOS, WinCE, Embedded Linux, QNX, Thread-X, Nucleus Logical and physical drivers supporting various layers of protocol stacks Customized API development for specific customer needs Development and Porting of Protocols stacks, Wired and Wireless Stacks Porting Codecs from PC to Embedded Platform C Code porting onto specific DSP, Microcontrollers Firmware development for 8 to 32-bit microcontroller board Assembly level programming for Micro-controllers, DSP, processors and ASICs FPGA based system design for embedded applications

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Cloud Apps

Full stack development for Web and Mobile - Technologies include: Java, Spring Boot, React Js, - Angular Js - PHP, Python code development - Support databases (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB)

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Cloud Storage

Windows or Linux or Network or Database - Administration. - AWS, S3 (Cloud Storage), EC2, Load Balancer. - Google Cloud Implementation - IBM Watson Cloud Implementation - UNIX, VMware support

Client Testimonial

  • "The team at Null Innovations, has extensive experience in IoT that helped us build our products at rapid pace. We will continue our collaboration for future products to come." Soclogic Inc , India

  • "We had a stingent deadlines converting our product portfolio with HW capabilities. Null was a great partnership we underwent to helpourselves to quickly gain required expertise." Gotweet, India

  • "As a growing in-house marketing team, we’ve increased our digital marketing production and output by 50%. Null Analytics has really been able to bring the results from every digital platform together with clean and easy-to-read analytical reports. We’ve completed restructured our company’s digital strategy to focus our efforts and resources on the greatest performing marketing channels. Most notably, with Null Analytics’ reporting, we’ve increased our social media-to-blog click thru rate by 36%.” Alicia Chavez- Associate Digital Marketing Manager, Duralink

  • "We required Null’s consulting services to conduct a multi-level marketing analysis of our consumer's online behaviours and purchasing patterns across all their online digital touchpoints and e-commerce platforms. Null’s report provided surprising consumer insights we weren’t privy to. Null recommended onsite content, touchpoint, and e-commerce site changes that have increased onsite consumer engagement by 30% and online conversions by 15% thus far." Gaurav, Director, Eastern Info

  • "Null Analytics looked into the data which we looked earlier where we lost the pace to relevancy. When null analytics got access to the data from various platforms, they improved our KPI analysis and today we have less churn in existing customers and a list of things to do to improve our advertising. In short words, They improved our visibility to the right audience which eventually gave us more quality leads and improved the number of recurring customers in our business." Jordan Harrison, Baden Inc.

  • "Null analyzed our company’s digital and content data platforms and built a market intelligence infrastructure that now provides our marketing team with key campaign performance results and content insights. They also defined the KPI, ad targeting which was effective and used by the marketing team to attract more inbound qualified prospects for the sales team. In the end, we found the bottleneck and were able to improve the sales with a good improvement in 12 weeks." Tina Voss, Senior Global Marketing Communications Manager, Memjet

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