Role of Analytics in Health care

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Role of Analytics in
Health care

By:  Sourav Chhabra    July 20,2020

What is the role of health care's Big Data Analytics?

Big data, according to Gartner, is "data that contains more variety arriving in increasing volumes and at ever higher speeds." Big data analytics has become increasingly important to the healthcare industry in recent years, with new tools and technology emerging to capture and make use of the wealth of patient information, procedures, diagnoses and medical claims that healthcare systems prime. Although the industry still has a long way to go in terms of the percentage of usable data that is currently being use, health care data analytics has opened doors for organizations to obtain a deeper understanding of their patients and make strategic organizational changes.

Big data analytics helps healthcare organizations with a variety of initiatives including efforts in disease surveillance and preventive care, the development of diagnostic and clinical techniques, and the creation of personalized, impactful marketing campaigns for health care. Organizations that strategically put their data to use are better able to capture market share and grow their brand, while maintaining a high standard of patient care.

What are Analytics in Public Health?

Public health analytics is the process of collecting, reviewing, and managing health-related data from entire populations, typically performed by public health organizations to maintain public health. Data on public health may include reports on mortality, demographics, socioeconomic data, data on procedures and diagnoses, and data on medical claims, among others. Public health organizations may use analytics to monitor the trends in disease and determine patterns in certain populations, guide the implementation of disease control programs, and set priorities for allocating health resources to needy populations.

What are Predictive Healthcare Analytics?

Predictive analytics is an advanced statistical methodology that takes real-time and historical data into account in order to make predictions of a specific outcome. By applying predictive analytics to data on patients, consumers or claims, health care professionals can forecast trends or patterns that can then be leveraged to enhance outreach or patient care initiatives.

This form of study also recommends acceptable means of communication based on determined preferences, their susceptibility to different diseases, probable form of payer, etc. Leveraging insights from predictive models allows healthcare professionals to more closely align their efforts with a preferred outcome, make better decisions about how to invest resources and budgets, and better understand the patients they serve.

One of the examples is Survivr. It is remote patient monitoring system and measures patient vital signs including blood pressure, body temperature, pulse rate, heart rate variability and blood oxygen level. A doctor can track and observe the patient’s condition remotely using the data he/she receives from the Survivr. The predictive system of the Survivr can alert in advance of possible deteriorating condition of the patient using its past data and pattern.

How can Data Analytics from Healthcare recognize growth opportunities for health systems?

Healthcare data analytics in a vacuum does not add value to health systems. To extract insights facilitating the achievement of organizational objectives, it is important to start with a business problem to concentrate your data initiative on. Such questions should be precise and related to a targeted sector, service line, or demographic within a high-level organizational objective. For example: "How do I grow five per cent market share? "Or," How do I in the next two years acquire and retain one million new patients?

The fact that clinical data, demographic information, consumer data and market claims data tend to exist in silos is one of the main barriers to successful data analysis and interpretation within the healthcare setting. Using an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), health systems can start consolidating and overlaying these data sets in such a way that they can answer relevant business questions. The integrated data is much more actionable when paired with a business intelligence solution.

What should I consider when choosing an analytics solution for healthcare?

Many healthcare organisations, to maximize the patient and consumer data they collect, have begun to grasp the importance of a robust healthcare analytics solution. Time-to-value is the first thing which health systems should consider when considering an analytics provider. Choosing a solution that delivers fast time-to-value keeps costs of implementation down and provides easy access to accurate data.

Additionally, it's important to consider the experience and proven success of a health analytics provider. Since laws are continuously changing around data collection for healthcare, it's best to work with an established, versatile provider of solutions that can help the company adapt to change.

What are the challenges involved in implementing data analytics in healthcare?

There are several challenges to consider when introducing a data analytics solution for health care. The first is to ensure that the data you try to obtain is correctly clean, complete, reliable and optimized for use in various systems. Ensuring that the electronic health records (EHR) are optimised is a safe way to prevent issues with data collection.

The second major challenge to consider relates to data storage. Costs associated with storing ever-increasing amounts of health care data can be difficult to manage. Cloud storage is a common solution for this problem.

Finally, security is another important factor to consider when carrying out data analytics for the healthcare. Healthcare data security is extremely important organizations must prioritize compliance with HIPAA safety regulations. Best data protection practices include the use of up-to - date anti-virus software, firewalls, data encryption and multifactor authentication.

What is the future of Data Analytics in Healthcare?

Technology and digital transformation describe healthcare of the future. As patient and clinical data are increasingly being collected, healthcare organizations will be able to expand their knowledge and take action to improve patient experiences and ultimately health outcomes. Thus, new digital technologies are being developed using health care analytics with the aim of improving global health.

Organizations performing healthcare analytics must operate lawfully, first and foremost, but also to ensure the protection of patient data. The information used in health analytics is of a personal nature, and often sensitive. Therefore, it is of critical importance that health care entities performing data analytics adhere to the regulations governing their operations.

Examples of Data Science Uses

Additionally, here are few examples of how businesses are using data science to Novel in their sectors, create new products and make the world around them even more well-structured and Organized.

⦿ Healthcare Data Analytics

Data science has acquainted number of Development in the healthcare industry. With a broad network of data now available via all from EMRs to clinical databases to personal fitness trackers, medical professionals are finding new methods to understand disease, practice preventive medicine, diagnose diseases faster and search new treatment possibilities.

⦿ Self-Driving Cars and Data Mining

Tesla, Ford and Volkswagen are all executing portending analytics in their new wave of autonomous vehicles. These cars use thousands of mini cameras and sensors to reinforce real-time information. Using machine learning, predictive analytics and data science, self-driving cars can adjust to speed limits, avoid menacing lane changes and even take passengers on the fastest route.

⦿ Logistics Data

UPS turns to data science to escalate efficiency, both internally and along its carriage routes. There is tool which uses data science-backed statistical modelling and algorithms that create ideal routes for transportation drivers. The algorithm considers weather, traffic, construction, vehicular movement etc to suggest the best route. It is estimated that data science is economizing the logistics company up to 39 million gallons of fuel and more than 100 million delivery miles every year.

⦿ Entertainment

Do you ever amaze how Spotify just seems to suggest that perfect song you're in the mood for? Or how Netflix knows just what shows you’ll love to watch? Using data science, the music streaming can cautiously curate lists of songs based off the music genre or band you’re currently into. Netflix’s data assembler will recognize your need for culinary inspiration and recommend relevant shows from its huge collection.

⦿ Finance

Machine learning and data science have saved the financial industry millions of dollars, and quantitative amounts of time. Thanks to data science, what would take around 360,000 manual labor hours to complete is now finished in a few hours. Additionally, fintech companies like Stripe and Paypal are investing extensively in data science to generate machine learning tools that quickly detect and prevent fraudulent activities.

⦿ Cybersecurity

Data science is functional in each industry, but it may be the most influential in cyber security. Being able to detect and learn new methods of cybercrime, through data science, is essential to our safety and security in the future.

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